on Mission

"All peoples will be blessed through you...." Genesis 28:14

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our global and local partners

  • East Asia

    Bob & Debbie Clark

    Ethnos 360

    Translating the Bible and training translators.

    Click HERE to learn more about their ministry.

  • portugal

    Dan & Mireille (Sherry) Murphy

    Portugal—Biblical Ministries Worldwide

    •Discipling Church Leaders

    •Church Planting

    Click HERE to learn more about their ministry.

  • ecuador

    Juan Carlos & Susanna Sanchez

    Quito, Ecuador—BEMA

    Starting new churches in the city & the jungle, AWANA ministries.

    Click HERE to learn more about their ministry.

  • Bolivia

    Matias & Mery Mojica (Brooks)

    Santa Cruz, Bolivia—BEMA

    Starting new churches, mentoring local pastors, AWANA ministries, overseeing & teaching in a Bible school.


    Matias & Krissia Mojica (Brooks)

    Samaipata, Bolivia—BEMA

    Discipleship training, starting new churches, hosting and assisting with medical clinics.

    Click HERE to learn more about their ministry.

  • jackson, michigan

    Brian & Sherry Jenks

    Jackson, MI—AWANA

    Overseeing AWANA programs & training leaders in Michigan churches.

    Click HERE to learn more about their ministry.

  • pinckney, michigan

    Duane Cuthbertson

    Pinckney, MI—Growing Together Ministries

    Counseling and teaching about marriage and family.

    Click HERE to learn more about his ministry.

  • Dearborn, michigan

    John Allen

    Ann Arbor, MI—Abide Ministries

    Church planting, discipleship and leader

    development at UM Dearborn.

    Click HERE to learn more about his ministry.